14 Fruits That Can Double As Medicine

Eating fruit everyday is a healthy habit. It keeps you refreshed and energized. But did you know that some of them have medicinal properties as well? Hey there viewers and welcome back to Planet Health! 

Adding fruit to your regular diet is a great way of building immunity and warding off disease. Fruit has the capacity to fight heart disease, inflammation and even possibly some cancers. Being nutrient dense and low in calories, they are powerhouses of nutrition. You can pair them with breakfast meals or eat them as a healthy snack. 

Which ones offer the most medicinal properties? Strawberries? Bananas? What about avocado? Read till the end to learn about all the fruits that are so nutrient rich that they can double as medicine.


Blueberries need no introduction. They are wildly popular, incredibly nutritious and delicious. Often referred to as a superfood they are low in calories, packed with antioxidants that help protect against signs of aging. Did you know that ever since the ancient ages blueberry tea was used to cure cough and upset stomach. Eating just 50 grams in a day reduces bad cholesterol. If you have high blood pressure then you can even whip up a blueberry smoothie and see your blood pressure come down in no time! 


When we think about bananas, potassium is what comes to mind. But it is more than just that. Rich in Vitamin B6, Manganese and dietary fiber, they are also fat free and calorie free. What does this mean for your health? The essential vitamins help in producing red blood cells and remove harmful toxins from the liver and kidneys to ensure smooth functioning. Eating just one medium sized banana everyday enables collagen production and protects your skin and cells against the harmful free radicals. Potassium keeps the heart healthy and blood pressure in check.


Grapefruit are available in a variety of colors like white, yellow, pink or deep red. This tart tasting fruit is a superfood which is packed with numerous health benefits and medicinal values. With very few calories and high water content, it can easily make a deliciously healthy and refreshing midday snack. Did you know that eating at least half of it before any meal speeds up the weight loss process. It keeps the bad cholesterol in check which clears out plaque from arteries and protects the heart from potential heart attack. Eat grapefruit in your diet for at least a month to see some noticeable changes. 


Pineapple is the perfect fruit for detoxification. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, it is very helpful in boosting immunity. Apart from being loaded with a variety of vitamins like A and K, it also has calcium, phosphorus and zinc which maintains a healthy gut, the key to a healthier life. Eating it can treat a cold because of a certain enzyme called bromelain that fights infection and kills bacteria. Did you know pineapple also keeps your gums healthy and teeth strong because of the manganese present in it? 


Avocado is probably one of the most unique fruits out there. The market is flooded with various types depending on shape and color. Packed with 20 different types of essential minerals and vitamins, it is a definite superfood. Did you know that it contains more potassium than bananas? It is high in good fat and fiber content which contributes to weight loss and less blood sugar spikes. It’s great for people looking to improve their heart health because of the monounsaturated fatty acids. Regularly eating it wards off bacterial attacks by strengthening the immune system.


When it comes to delicious tropical fruit then mango tops the list. It has anti-diabetic, anti-viral and anti-allergic properties. During extremely hot summers its juice works as a great source of electrolytes and is an effective way of curing heat stroke. The vitamin A present supports hair and skin health because of a special substance called sebum. The fiber, potassium and vitamin content keeps arteries clean and plaque free. This is important for healthy heart functioning and reduced risk of developing heart disease.  


These shiny, red, tangy pearls of deliciousness have several nutritional benefits. They are amazing sources of vitamin C and K, calcium, potassium and iron. What makes pomegranates more unique are the 2 compounds that are found in abundance which gives up to 3 times the  antioxidant effects, which is even more than green tea. Drinking its juice is a source of energy for endurance sports athletes. The anti-inflammatory properties help fight gut inflammation, cuts down hypertension and lowers blood pressure. Drinking it regularly can also improve brain health in the long run.


The health benefits of this delicious tropical fruit are numerous. Guava are rich in antioxidants, folate, vitamin C and fiber among a host of other nutrition rich compounds. In women, they can relieve painful menstruation cramps. Densely rich with fiber content, they substantially lower blood sugar levels to manage long term diabetes. Just one guava can give a major boost to your immunity and digestive system. Being loaded with magnesium it also has the capacity to fight anxiety and stress.

Fun fact, if you’ve been dealing with toothache then this fruit is something you should try because it contains natural analgesic.


We all know about the powerful detoxifying properties of the humble old lemon. It gets rid of toxins and free radicals, improves digestion and is good for managing weight. Not just vitamin C, other plant based compounds, along with fiber, significantly lowers the chances of developing heart disease.

 The natural citric acid stops the kidneys from developing stones, which is a common problem faced by many all over the world. It enables your body to absorb iron effectively from the foods you eat which lowers the chances of anemia. Apart from being nutrient rich, its fragrance also has stress relieving properties. 


Also known as pawpaws this sweet and delicious tropical fruit contains a multitude of health benefits. It reduces the risk of heart disease, improves blood sugar control in diabetics, lowers blood pressure levels and even fights off some types of cancer. A special kind of antioxidant found in papaya has the ability to filter out the harmful blue light rays and protect the eyes. It also contains beta carotene that can eliminate the risk of developing asthma. Eating the right amount of this fruit filled with vitamin K can also strengthen bones. 


An apple a day does keep the doctor away! This crunchy, sweet and satisfying fruit protects against some harmful diseases like diabetes and heart related issues. It is high in fiber and cuts out the bad cholesterol. 

Apple is a great fruit that promotes weight loss,  because one medium sized apple will make you feel full and combat those munchies. When compared to non-apple eaters, apples lower the risk of developing diabetes. Did you know that eating them and following a plant based diet can lower your risk of developing dementia by 35 percent? 


Blackberries have several health benefits owing to the presence of nutrients like potassium, vitamins, magnesium and calcium. They have a beautiful deep purple color because of certain plant compounds called anthocyanins which are also a rich source of antioxidants. 

Including blackberries in your daily diet improves motor skills and cognitive function. This happens because of the presence of manganese which keeps your brain healthy. Along with being anti-inflammatory, blackberries are also packed with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Did you know that they can cure gastric issues and stomach ulcers by 88%?   


Filled with vitamin C and a range of other plant compounds, oranges minimize inflammation and work against the development of disease. Oranges have zero sodium which plays a key role in lowering blood pressure. Just one cup of its juice can boost potassium by 14 percent. 

Maintaining weight and avoiding obesity is the only way of getting diabetes under control. Having a medium sized orange every now and then not only controls diabetes but also helps in losing weight. Looking to make your skin glow? It also induces collagen production which is responsible for healthier looking skin.  


Cranberries are superfoods due to the high antioxidant and nutrient content. Just half a cup contains 25 calories and zero cholesterol, fat or sodium. They’re also a wonderful source for dietary fiber along with other natural compounds which promote good health by giving a boost to immunity. 

The phytonutrient content makes this fruit anti-inflammatory by nature which also prevents damage to blood cells. Cranberry juice has benefits in curing flu, respiratory infections and even prevents the build up of dental plaque. The tangy taste comes from certain natural acids which also stops the development of kidney stones.

Eating fresh fruit helps reduce the risk of disease. This includes diabetes, high blood pressure and even some cancers. Fruit also replenishes the body, providing it with the right amount of essential vital nutrients.



By eden

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