We get it, stretching is not exactly on the top of your mind after you’ve had a long run. You probably want to take a shower or have a snack. However tempted you might feel to skip your post run stretches, it’s important you do them. It can, in fact, prevent injury and improve your running.
Today we’ll be talking about the best post-running stretches. How do you stretch your quads while standing? Which stretch relaxes both your arms and abs at the same time? How do you do lunges with a stretching modification? We’ll talk all about this AND more…
Stretching Your Quads While Standing
This stretch will help your front thigh muscles, while giving more flexibility to your hip flexors. This standing quad stretch works on the large fleshy muscle group covering the front and sides of your thigh.Â
For this, you will need to start with your feet apart as wide as your hips. Once in position, bring your right heel up to your butt by bending your leg.
Now grab your foot and pull it as close to your butt as you can. You will feel a stretch, but make sure you don’t pull too much. It will start to hurt if you do. If you want to get a much deeper stretch, you can push your hip forward.
You need to make sure you remain standing straight throughout the exercise. Hold your position for 30 seconds and move to the other leg.
Stretching Your Arms And Abs At The Same Time
It’s important to stretch your abs after a good running session. The abdominal muscles require some relief. At the same time, you can work on your arms and shoulders as well. To start the stretch, you need to keep your feet apart as wide as your hip, and put your left foot across your right.
Now put your arms over your head and grab your left hand’s fingertips or the wrist with your right hand. Bring your shoulders down and lean towards your right as much as you can without forcing any pain. Stay that way for about 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
The Classic Lunge But With A Modification
This variation on the lunge will help you with your quads, calves and hip flexors. Once again, stand with your feet apart as wide as your hips, but bend your knees a bit. Lean forward and put the palms of your hands against the floor on either side of your feet.
Now, bend your right knee while you stretch the left foot behind you. Make sure your foot remains on the floor. Once in position, bring your hips down slowly while feeling the stretch. You can do this for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side.
Stretching Like A Butterfly
This stretch can open up your hip and also help your gait. For this, you will be sitting on the floor. Bring the ends of your feet together so that your knees are now spread to the sides. You will essentially be like a butterfly.
Now bring the heels as close as you can while ensuring your back remains straight. Bend forward as much as you can until you can get a stretch.
Stretching Your Calf While Standing
Your calf and shins need as much stretching after a running session as the rest of the body. This exercise can help with that. You’ll need the support of a wall to do this one. Stand in front of the wall and place your hands on it. This will be at the same height as your eye level.
Keep your left foot slightly in front of your right in a relaxed manner. Your feet need to be firmly against the floor. Now bend your left knee and lean forward. Make sure you’re bending your elbows to the wall. Push into the wall with all your strength in order to feel the stretch. Pause the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
Stretching Your Iliotibial (IT) Band
This particular stretch can help with the IT band, the tissue that goes from your thigh to knee. It’s one area that’s always injured among runners. For this, you will need to stand straight and cross your legs, with your right foot in front of your left.
Raise your arm towards the sky while keeping your left by your side. Now try to reach over with your right arm over your head, and to the left. Essentially, your left arm would end up much lower on your leg. You can stop when you feel a stretch. Remain in that position for 30 seconds and change sides.
Stretching Your Hamstring
A tight hamstring can lead to a serious injury, so it’s important to stretch them out. For this, you will need to lie down on your back. Bend your right leg and put your hands behind the thigh. Slowly straighten your leg and pull it in your direction.
Flex the heel while you do that. You’ll be able to feel a stretch in your thigh, especially in the back side. You can stay in this position for 30 seconds before switching to the other leg.
Stretching Your Spine
When you run on a regular basis, it can have an impact on your posture. You can do this stretch to help straighten your back muscles so you can remain vertical. To begin this stretch, sit on the floor while keeping your legs crossed.
Put your right hand on the floor behind your right hip. While making sure your foot remains on the floor in front of you, bend the right knee until it reaches your chest. Once in position, get your left arm straight and on to your side while pushing yourself forward.
Twist the body to look behind you. In this position, your left elbow would be on top of your right knee. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Stretching Your Triceps While Standing Up
Even though running is mostly about the legs, your upper body also plays an important role. For instance, your triceps need to be stretched too, as you would also be using your arms while running.
For this stretch, stand up and bring your right arm over your left shoulder, putting it across the chest. Use your left hand to pull the right elbow towards your shoulder. Make sure you’re not doing this too hard. Once you reach the shoulder, hold the position for about 30 seconds and switch sides.
Downward Dog
When you use the downward dog stretch, you’ll be able to work on a number of muscles such as your delts, glutes, hamstring, triceps and even your back. To do this, you will need to get on all fours while ensuring the hands are under the wrists.
Once in position, push towards the floor using the hands while getting your legs straight. At the same time, lift your butt towards the ceiling. Arch your hips and push into your hands. Do this while lengthening your spine as well as the tailbone.
You will need to spread your weight equally on both sides, while making sure there’s a bit of a gap between your arms and ears. Hold this position for around 60 seconds.
Lying-Down Stretch
With this stretch, you’ll work on your glutes as well as your outer hips. To do this, lay with your back on the floor. Bend your right knee and put the knee on your left thigh. It should be placed just above the knee.
Now grab your left thigh by interlacing your fingers and pull the thigh towards your chest. Your legs will end up looking like the number four. Hold this position for about 60 seconds before switching sides.
Inner Thigh Stretch
The inner thigh stretch is good for stabilizing your hip and knee joints. Inner thigh stretches also tone and strengthen your legs. For this very simple stretch, you first need to stand with a very wide stance.Â
Next, bend your right knee as you shift your entire body right until you feel a stretch in your left inner thigh. Hold this position for an entire cycle of relaxation breathing. Next, shift your weight to the other side. Repeat the stretch with the left leg.Â