10 Hidden Benefits Of Night Running Every Day

Have you been getting the right amount of exercise? Some people go to the gym once a day. The problem is a lot of them aren’t getting enough cardio. Going outside for a run on a beautiful day has so many great benefits for your health, you can also go at night. In fact, night running might be better. A cool run under the stars is something more and more professionals are recommending. Let’s talk about that today.

Can it increase your strength? How about helping you sleep? Wait a second, can running help you get better results? We’re talking about all that and more…

That’s right, a good night run can help your workout as a whole.

There’s just something about running under the stars on a nice evening. It’s so peaceful. You don’t have to worry about all the ruckus from traffic or other forms of noise. You can just enjoy your run. 

The best atmosphere for working out is one that’s quiet. It allows you to concentrate. There’s sometimes nothing more annoying than having to exercise in an area that is cluttered with people. It’s so distracting, you’ll often feel like you can’t get anything done. 

Believe it or not, there are actually scientific benefits to running at night. After the sun goes down, it gets cooler. Running in cooler temperatures gets your organs working. Since your body is working harder to keep you warm, you break a sweat much easier and burn more calories. 

There are also studies that show muscular function and strength peak in the late hours of your day. This means your body will give the maximum amount of effort during physical performance, giving you the best possible results for your workout. 

Night running can keep you well-nourished.

Morning runs can give you an energy boost to kick your day off. The only problem is you may not be properly nourished. A lot of people have trouble eating the right amount of food before their morning workout. Some people don’t even eat breakfast. This is a different situation if you run at night. 

By this time in the day, you’ve probably had your lunch and dinner. This should supply your body with enough fuel to get you through your run. If you’ve eaten a fatty meal, your body will be able to use that for energy. 

Not a morning person? A good night run can make your mornings better.

Like I said, running in the morning has its own benefits, but you have to be in the right frame of mind to carry through with it. A rough morning can set the tone for your entire day. Running at night can help make your morning less stressful. 

A lot of people get their morning run in before they have to go to work. This leaves you rushing to meet your schedule on time. If you feel like you’re falling behind, you’re going to be stressed out. If you take care of your run at night rather than the morning, you’ll feel a lot better throughout the day.

You earn that late night snack.

Many of us rummage through the fridge late at night with zero reason. We’re just hungry and need something to tide us over until morning. The problem is you’re eating just before going to bed, which means you’re packing on extra pounds. Laying there, with 500 extra calories in your stomach won’t do a whole lot of good for your body. This is one of the main causes of obesity. 

If you’re one of those late night eaters, what you want to do is go for a run beforehand. This gives you an excuse to have a snack later in the evening. When we workout, our body needs time for muscle recovery. This recovery is improved when we get the right nutrition. 

This doesn’t mean you can eat just anything. I mean, it’s probably not good to eat an entire pizza by yourself before hitting the sack. Dietitians recommend a person eats a good mix of both carbohydrates and protein. This should happen within an hour of their workout. This way, your muscles get the proper recovery. 

If you want something simple, you should go for a bowl of carrots. There’s also a mix of yogurt and granola. In the mood for some fruit? Have a banana or a pear. Something light will keep your stomach satisfied overnight. 

Running at night makes you more social.

A cool late night jog doesn’t just benefit your physical health, it also does wonders for you mentally. A lot of us are coming out of this pandemic not having seen our family or friends in a couple years. This has left so many people lonely.

A healthy run at night allows people to gather. Most folks are way too busy during the day to exercise, or spend quality time with their friends. Running at night lets you kill two birds with one stone. You get to work out together all while catching up. 

Not only will you have a chance to socialize, you will also have someone who can push you to your limit. If you don’t feel like running that night, this person might be able to talk you into it. This way, you get the most out of your workout. 

You will run faster at night.

Now this one might sound a little weird, but just go along with it for a second. People generally run faster at nighttime. This is because you’re way more alert when out at night time than during the day. Just hearing the trees rustle can have you alarmed. Have you ever been out at night and wondered, “Am I being chased right now?” Just the thought is enough to make you pick up the pace. 

Once the idea of something being behind you has been planted in your head, you’ll run like the wind. Researchers have found that people who run when it’s dark out tend to run faster over a 10km length. 

The faster you run, the quicker your heart has to work to keep up. This allows you to burn more calories, and lose weight.

Night running is a form of meditation.

Like I said, night running can assist your mental health just like it can with your physical health. It’s a peaceful way to unwind after a rough day. Think about it, there’s fewer cars and pedestrians traveling around, especially if you’re living in a suburban or rural area. 

When you run at night, it’s quiet enough for you to organize your thoughts. This is something a lot of us can’t do during the day. Our schedules are just too hectic. 

The most important aspect of meditation is breathing. When you run, your breathing is obviously different from when you’re sitting quietly in your home. But breathing can still benefit you while running. All you need to do is follow a specific rhythm while you process your thoughts. 

Even if you’re not the meditating type, a good run in the late hours of the night is the perfect distraction from all your worries. 

Night running allows you to run more consistently.

The quality of your run is actually improved when you do it at night. Think about it, you’ve already been up the entire day. You’ve had hours to prepare for your run. This isn’t like the early morning, where you’re still stuck in bed, and just getting yourself up is a struggle. 

If you’re prepared to run, it’s much easier to stick to a workout schedule. This way, you’ll be able to run on a nightly basis, and at a more consistent time. If you’re super disciplined, you’ll get so consistent that you’ll be running at the same hour every night. 

Night running can help you sleep better.

This is the big one for all you non-sleepers out there. In fact, it’s important for most adults to hear this. Running at night, even if it’s just a light jog, can help you sleep better. 

Experts say that a person usually needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Research has shown that close to 1 in 3 American adults are not getting the proper rest they need. Most are falling asleep for a little less than 6 hours. This is enough to have you nodding off in the middle of day. 

Now the idea of running at a later hour might spook a few people. I mean wouldn’t your endorphins shoot through the roof? Wouldn’t your adrenaline be pumping? When you exercise at night time, you’re actually preparing your body to rest. Have you ever finished a run and felt really tired? This is the effect it’s supposed to have on you. You’re wearing your body out for the day. 

Sleeping is especially good after a run if you take a hot shower after your exercise. It helps with the winding down process and relaxes the body. 

Say goodbye to your stiff muscles.

Remember when I said that night running can help your muscles recover. Well this isn’t just post workout. If you’ve had a good sleep, your muscles and joints will feel so much more flexible. 

Another reason why so many people can’t run in the morning is because they’re joints feel stiff. This happens more as you get older. Sometimes, your are so sore, you’ll question whether you even want to get out of bed. 

If you wait until nighttime for your daily run, you’ve given your muscles enough time to recover. This makes it a lot easier to move your body. It’s almost like a cycle. As a result of running at night, your muscles won’t be in as much pain, allowing you to continue running at night and working your muscles.

Whether you’re doing it at night or during the day, exercise is crucial. Not just cardio, but strength training too.




By eden

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